Shaman's BreathShamanic Healing in Brighton and Hove

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Shamanic Healing, Breathwork, Sound Healing in Brighton and Hove, Sussex



New Workshop


We are offering a one day constellations workshops with Julia Whittington at our home in Rottingdean on Sunday 20th October 2024. Click Here for the flier.

Temenos Training
We concluded our final Temenos Shamanic & integrated Health Training and are considering how to move forward with a new training.


Home. George_Peru

George Christie

The roots of my healing work have grown most fundamentally from my personal journey and my own healing path, I feel that, 'you must have walked the path to truly know the path’. This process of healing myself guided me firmly to pass on healing to others.
'Every shaman is a wounded healer', Gabrielle Roth

Our healing path is the first and most important aspect of our Soul’s journey. It is the essence of our incarnation and our life on Earth. To free ourselves from pain and suffering so that we are able to experience the play of life with joy and happiness. Here and now, awakening to this journey is our soul’s purpose because we are not free to create a bountiful future until we are free from the trauma and stories of the past.

For many this path to healing seems daunting and impossible. Blocked by fear, panic and inertia many people struggle on for years with the effects of trauma and chronic stress, including depression, low self-esteem and feelings of failure. Helped along by a medical system eager to deal only with their symptoms but never seeking the root cause of their illness and disease.

Our ability to successfully stand in the the light is directly related to our ability to venture into the darkness. Shadow work is at the heart of this, the shadow being the place we least want to venture into. In the shadow we find that past stress and trauma have created feelings like shame, guilt, loss, abandonment and anger, which in turn have created addiction, eating disorders, loneliness, depression and physical disease and pain.

Indigenous shamanic healers worlds over have always understood how to deal with trauma, or 'soul loss' through processes like soul retrieval. At the time of trauma a portion of the psyche splits off to protect itself from harm. These parts are often things like innocence, self love or joy and through processes like Soul Retrieval and we can seek to re-integrate these lost parts.

Another effective approach is through revisiting the feelings and emotions that are experienced at the time of trauma. Everything that we are fearful of has a physical sensation associated with it that we can place in our physical body. The event at the root of a trauma rings like a bell in our physical body. If we can access these sensations in a safe and sacred environment, revisiting them at an appropriate distance, we can literally breathe them out of our system with the help of imagery, sound and breath. We can instantaneously release blocks that we have carried our entire life and beyond, from the ancestors or even a past life. Freedom is only a breath away.

Only someone who is in harmonious agreement with the past is also free for the future. One who struggles against the past remains bound to it: Stephan Hausner

This process is of course different for all people depending on the nature of their issues, but what is for sure is that if you are reading this you are already peering into the shadow and the process of spiritual healing has already begun.

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The kind of breathwork and bodywork that I lead you in, helps to allow the expression of your authentic voice, which is the most exciting thing, the ultimate high, the kindest gift you can ever give to yourself. There is no implication that we are broken if we choose to do this work. It may be that we just want to be better and more effective versions of who we currently are, but as mentioned and purely subjectively, we may feel blocked and unfulfilled in our lives as a whole or just in a specific part or parts. However it does not have to be this way.

All I ask from you is that you commit absolutely to whichever process we undertake together. That you are completely available and willing to immerse yourself and surrender to what is arising for you at any moment. This is in my opinion the essence and the key to liberation and personal growth. No other person can release you from your story, only you can do this. I can create and hold a powerful and sacred space for you, I can facilitate these shamanic, sound, breathwork and bodywork practices and offer you processes and spiritual guidance to assist your journey, but ultimately you by the grace of the Spirit do the work, have the realisations and feel the change.

I invite you to leave whatever limiting beliefs and repeating patterns are blocking you in my therapy room as you step forward into your purpose, place and potential in this lifetime.

Shamanic Healing, Breathwork, Sound Healing in Brighton and Hove, Sussex

To assist you in your process I offer the following therapy practices:

• Shamanic healing from the Q'ero and Shipibo traditions.
• Innovative Shamanic breathwork processes.
• Deep energetic cleansing rituals.
• Temenos Touch integrated healing.
• Healing practices evolved from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques (originally derived from Huna, Hawaiian Shamanism).
• Freeing the Voice, incorporating sound and music. The voice is always a powerful tool of expression and release in our healing processes.
• Sound Healing, using sound to align the energy centres and also to bring profound relief from pain and trauma.
• I also offer Spiritual guidance to aid in our ever-deepening journey through this life.

For a map showing where I work in Brighton and Hove, East Sussex click here

To book an appointment in Brighton and Hove, East Sussex



My rate is £60 p/h & £80 for 90 minutes.
If sessions run over 90 minutes I dont generally charge any more.
Call 07969 345113 or
Please let me know what type of therapy you are most interested in: Shamanic Healing, Breathwork, Cleansing, Sound Healing, Temenos Touch or Spiritual Guidance.
If you want to pay for your appointment in advance my preference for is bank transfer. If you want to wait and pay on the day cash is fine, you can also pay using a credit card I have Zettle card reader. PayPal is also available please pay using the button below.

Treatments available

A cancellation charge of 50% of the full treatment price will apply to any appointments cancelled with 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time.
If you do not turn up on the day for your appointment there is of course a cancellation charge of the full price of the treatment.



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